Sunday, February 15, 2015

Can Machel Montano Get Nominated for a Grammy?

Machel Vision - Beyond Island Soca

This week, after winning the Monarch competition for the 5th time, he let it slip out he has a bigger vision.  This is not new, he has mentioned it on many occasions.

Today's Carnival Sunday Trinidad Express headline states,  "Machel Passes Soca Baston: Sets Sights on Grammy" .  

He is serious..

That is a big thing but for some people, it's the little things that count.  How you deal with unexpected situations and occurrences can give some insight into the other side of a person's character.

Last week it was reported that Machel allowed his emotions to control his behavior, publicly lamblasting everyone in sight.  His, what was described as "disrespectful behavior" triggered an immediate response of hundreds of patrons walking out of the event.

Later it was reported that he refused to apologize.  It may appear that this is totally unrelated to his desire to get a Grammy nomination but like was noted before, it is the little things that count.

In 2013 he was nominated along with Bunji Garlin to the Soul Train Awards  Best International Performance' category.  Bunji won in that category.  Then in 2014 his winning Road March "Ministry of the Road" was nominated along with a number of other local artists.

The Grammy is no Soul Train Award, getting the attention of over 100 million people is a far cry from enticing 1.3 million people to jump and wave..  Here's what the Grammy Awards is according to Wikipedia:

Grammy Award (originally called Gramophone Award), or Grammy, is an accolade by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the United States to recognize outstanding achievement in the music industry. The annual presentation ceremony features performances by prominent artists, and the presentation of those awards that have a more popular interest.

The important word there is "popular interest" meaning the interest of a significant segment of the world's  population.  Popular interest will not be generated in one man but in a genre of music that is supported by many artists.  The first step is to get soca/calypso to be accepted as category before his dreams can be realized.

But never say never, with God anything is possible.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you vote: Can Machel Montano get in the Grammy's next year?

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