Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 Carnival Soca/Groovy/Power Monarch Results

International Soca Monarch Groovy Monarch Results

1. Olatunji

2. Farmer Nappy
3. Ricardo Drue
4. Destra

Finalists as they appeared :
1: Wildcard artiste. To be advised on Monday 9th February
2: Chow Chow
3: Erphaan Alves
4: Chucky
5: Blaxx
6: Skinny Fabulous
7: Destra Garcia
8: Nadia Batson
9: Farmer Nappy
10: Ricardo Drue
11: Benjai
12: Lyrikal
13: Leadpipe + Saddis
14: Fadda Foxx
15: Olatunji Yearwood

International Power Monarch Groovy Monarch Results

1. Machel Montano
2. Iwer George
3. Granny
4. Shurwayne Winchester
1: Shurwayne Winchester
2: Shal Marshal + Squeezehead
3: KI
4: Patrice
5: Mr Killa
6: Granny
7: Snakey
8: Iwer George
9: Machel Montano
10: Blaxx
11: Kernal Roberts

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