Friday, May 20, 2011

Caribbean People - Be Careful - This Year’s Hurricane Could Teach Us A Lesson

Don't Get Caught With Your  Hurricane Pants Down

Caribbean people should be battening the hatches and getting ready for the next
hurricane season.  It’s coming soon. 

There is almost a guarantee that it will hit at least one island in the Caribbean. 

When Katrina hit a few years ago I lived in Coral Springs Florida and I have never seen anything like it. 

When the storm subsided over 50% of the houses were without roofs.  Fortunately, I lived in a community where the roof was made of clay tiles. 

 I experienced the "what the hell" feeling when i witnessed flying off S tiles being embedded into the roofs of parked cars. Slamming into earth violently sticking like thrown knives.  It was as if God was up
there somewhere with a large slingshot just shooting down tiles and everything else He could find. .
Imagine the sight of what seemed like 100 year old fichus trees that lined the side walk in Ft Lauderdale uprooted as if they were mere weeds.  

Laying upturned, pointing skyward and the earth below torn open just like an earthquake; side walk and road wide open. 

Wonder what will happen if the Islands in the Caribbean were hit with a category 3 or 4 hurricane?.

Roofs will go first but the way houses are built in the Caribbean it’s not hard to imagine the entire structures being blown away.   

What's even more bewildering is the Island mentality. Last year when hurricane warnings were announced in Trinidad enterprising Trinis decided to have “Storm Parties”.  

And yes, it is what you're thinking, regular drink, dance and make merry parties.  Not held in fortified buildings but at the local bar where patrons can weather the storm out while getting wasted. 
The same mentality existed with the officials. At one hurricane shutter presentation to the local Office of Disaster Preparedness Management, ODPM the attitude was "we really dont need it"..  The organization had the authority to rally all the high ranking official in the protective services to hear the presentation.     

The officials came listened to real reasons why all government building should be equipped with hurricane shutters.  None opted to have it installed.  Some were a little curious but most thought that it was not necessary, afterall "God is a Trini” they say,  "He will protect us"   Let's hope so. 

The building material company even offered to install the shutters at the ODPM building at a steep discount but they never took the offer.    

A building with large sections of glass, tasked with the job of preparing the nation for natural disaster and they are still unprepared.  What good will it be for the people we supposed to turn to in time of disaster are ducking from flying glass and debris. 

Unfortunately the only thing to change that mentality is a disaster of major proportions.   Some Caribbean islands "have to feel to learn". It's really like safe sex, we all need the protection..    

And believe it or not, but Trinidad is supposed to be more advanced than the rest of the Caribbean Islands.  If that is true may God help the rest of the Islands....

US government forecaster announced yesterday that they are expecting three to six major hurricanes from an above average Atlantic storm season. As many as 18 named tropical storms may deelop during the six month Atlantic Hurricane season.

Here is some advice from the local newspaper

Are you ready for the next hurricane season?


  1. Thanks but ah don't think this will get to most of the people who needs to know. But that's life sometime we only react and can never be pro active.


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