Sunday, April 17, 2011

World Food Shortages To Affect The Caribbean & Other 3rd World Nations First

What Does It Mean To You?

People and governments in developing countries such as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean should not ignore predictions the world’s food supply experts.   A crisis is looming and it portends the next significant global crisis. 

Food and Money

Let’s face it food is one of the basic consumables of the human species.  Air and water are the other two.  In a New York Times article, journalist Elisabeth Rosenthal  reported that according to the IMF the food price index is “the highest in 20 years of existence” 

 Food however, is directly related to economics.  It is not so much the food shortage but high prices for food that will create the crisis.  To add to the madness some rich countries are creating a demand for biofuels and consuming a vast supply of cassava, corn, sugar and palm oil for conversion into biofuels. 

How Much We Eat

How long will it take 6.91 billion people ( world’s current population) eating everyday, 3 times a day , to consume what’s on the shelves right now?  This number is expected to significantly increase.  See World Population figures 

Best guess is a couple of days. 

And that’s because as soon as the shortage is announced the hoarders rich and poor will converge on the groceries like red ants stockpiling food.   

The Crisis Is Here Already

It will take a bit longer to actually see the results of the crisis globally.  Soon new reports of the affects of high food prices on poor countries will begin to surface with more frequency.   

 In fact, it has already showing up globally.  Most people don’t even realize that the overthrow of the Tunisia government in the Middle East was prompted by high food prices.  Or that soaring food prices caused riots or contributed to politacal turmoil in Aleria, Egypt and Bangladesh so far..

The world is still recovering from an economic crisis many countries will be affected by any shortage in the world’s food supply.  Here is what the leaders of the IMF and World Bank had  to say:

"Food prices worldwide have surged 36 percent since a year ago and disproportionately hit developing countries. The rise in prices comes even as 44 million people around the world have been thrust into poverty since June last year.

"We are one shock away from full blown crisis," said World Bank Group President Robert Zoellick at a press briefing in Washington on Saturday.
The region's poor often spend half of their income on food. Having to use more of that income on feeding their families means fewer funds are available for families to save or invest.

"If the Food Price Index rises by just another 10 percent, we estimate that another 10 million people will fall into extreme poverty when people live on less than 1 dollar 25 cents per day," he said. "And a 30 percent increase would add 34 million people to the world's poor, who number 1.2 billion."   
 Read More here 

 You Have Been Warned

These predictions are all coming from credible sources and are serious enough that any forward thinking government must prioritize it.  It should not be ignored.  The global trumpet has been sounded it is up to the individual nations to begin to put some sort of contingency plan in place. 

What Can You Do?

Let’s face it, if you are reading this, you most likely not in government.  Fact is that even if you are you would be more interested in what you can do to forestall the crisis at an individual and family level.  

The most obvious answer is to begin to hoard now.  Stockpile your food for a rainy day.   What is more important is understanding the extent of the problem.  There is only one way to do this…  

First educate yourself.  Find out what is really happening in the world with respect to the food shortage.  Don’t take the words you read here as truth.  Do your due diligence.  

Don't Stick Your Head In The Sand

Next, you need to come up with a plan after you have looked at your disposable income.  Determine the quantity of food you will need to stockpile for a specific period of time.  This will be based on the size of your family and relatives you wish to include. Don’t guess, your life may depend on it.  

Earmark a percentage of your disposable income for food that you can afford.  Make plans within your family for the impending crisis.  As you will discover, it is not if but when the crisis will begin affecting you.  Then, identify the type of foods that are not perishable and are potent enough to sustain you on a daily and monthly basis.  

A Comment Get You A Free EBook.

 Here is my contribution to the impending food crisis.  

Post a comment on here with your email address and get a free copy of "36 Potent Foods to Lose Weight and Live Healthy".   This valueable report will tell you exactly what foods you should concentrate on stockpiling.  

Do It While You're Not Hungry

Stay blessed. 



  1. Is this for real? If it is; What are governments doing about it. How do we stockpile perishables? I need to look into this a lot more. Send me the eBook 36 potent foods.

  2. useful information, keep it coming. I will follow your blog below. Thanks

  3. Thanks for informing us on the impending crisis and solutions well in time. Have forwarded your post to some friends and family too.

  4. Thanks for the comment but I cannot send you the eBook without your email address.

  5. This is what our caring government should make us aware of - impending shortage of food...with less money to circulate - 5% - how are people going to buy the expected high priced food anyway...this is certainly an alarm for global poverty.

  6. I agree that the gov should make us aware of it but ultimately it's the responsibility of each. Does not really matter what which gov does, this is global not national. In this case it's not what your country can do for you but what can you do to save yourself and your family from impending shortages.

  7. One of my learnt friends informed of the stance our government in the 80s took - no real encouragement to produce our own therefore we are greatly dependant on imports from North America and Europe.
    When we produce we tab very high selling price so that those below a certain income find it difficult to purchase, not forgetting the substandard production. We have been indulging in imported items so we will certainly feel the crunch if we do not go back to gardening and production of food items.
    The PNM started the mega-farms, it is understood that the PP has continued the program. It is hoped that all citizens will be able to purchase same - all things considered about the high cost of living - not forgetting that with a 5% offer, citizens ought to tighten their belts thereby causing a ripple effect of the general economic slide. Back to less processed flour cassava bread, mauby, dumblings depends on how much wheat we can get - snacks will be whatever fruits in season, hmmmmm, whatever grass tea - bacano, fever grass, shining bush -we may be healthier nonetheless.

  8. Yes Anonymous, Thanks to your "learnt" friend's historical perspective. This food crisis, however, is not national or even regional it is GLOBAL. It does not matter what our import/export policies are, have been or from whom we buy. The point is this; What can you do as an individual, a family or community to starve off the hunger pangs? Pun intended. What I'm saying is that this impending GLOBAL food crisis is so big that if we continue to stick our heads in the sand one day, without much warning, our bellies will churn for food we wished we had stored away.

  9. Firstly, when we are foolish enough to follow the bandwagon of avaricious folks there are no planning for the common folks. No matter what the global situation on food, those who have will continue to get - perhaps a poor man's diet. The poor man, may not even get a dog's dinner. So it is important to know what your government of the day is doing. "I am not hearing any food awareness drive!" In the meantime, while there is some measure of 'plenty' one should increase one's personal food bill with non-perishables noting of course, expiry dates...start planting...the bartering system may return. Enough!

  10. Folks are asking for the ebook! Uhhh, where is it?

  11. Who are the folks asking. I have sent a few copies to people who gave me their email addresses. Anonymous does mean anonymous. Anyone who wants the ebook send an email to tonypuck at gmail dot com. You will be set a link to download it.


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